Friday, November 13, 2009

Day 19

hey 19 in the coma...shes still about the same
they had to put her oxygen up to 100% because they did the procedure where they put the camera in her lungs...they said there wasn't too much yuckie stuff in there but her lungs were very very very swollen..they plan on trying to put her oxygen back down to 75% later today (that is where is was yesterday)
they also did an ultrasound to see if she had any blood clots in her legs..that came up negative which is good


  1. Well, no clots are a good thing. Now, she just needs to concentrate on getting better. I think of her constantly during the day. All the dumb things we used to do when we were still makes me laugh. Soon, she will be laughing with us again. Keep the faith kiddies and Mike. We're all thinking of you guys and remember if you need anything.....just ask.

  2. Hello, I just wanted to say that even though I haven't gotten to know you all yet, I am here for you. We just moved in next door at the beginning of April and Micheline has been very kind to us ever since. She is a wonderful person, very kind. During the summer when I would come home from working she would pop her head over the fence and invite my daughters and I to come for a swim. I look forward to seeing her pop her head over the fence next summer when she is better.
    I will continue praying for her and you all.
    Remember we are here if you need anything at all

  3. Well...... the good news is there isn't as much yuckie stuff and there are no blood clots - THAT would be bad. Her lungs just need time and I am sure that the invasive procedure they did by inserting the camera did not help the swelling.......... she just needs the time to heal and she is fighting and I am sure she is getting stronger everyday trying to get back to her wonderful family. Hang in there guys.......and continue to take care of yourselves.
    If you need anything...........please call.

  4. That's great news that there were no blood clots in her legs. And having not much yuckie stuff in her lungs is also very positive. We'll take all the positives we can get, right? All these baby steps are in the right direction.

    I can only imagine that Mich would truly like to hibernate and wake up in the spring, missing all the cold winter weather. But I know she'll be awake long before then and griping about the snow along with the rest of us this winter.

  5. Sounds like some promising news for sure. Maybe she just needs a little more rest, and then will show some bigger signs soon. She is fighting, she will get through this. Still saying prayers daily. God bless you all

  6. Kate, Mike, Kelsie, Chrissy and Trevor...I think about all of constantly. I can only imagine how hard it is to see your mom/wife/best friend in this condition. It must be frightening and frustrating as well. She would be mortified if she knew all the worry she has caused and therefore she fights this battle so that she can get back to all of us.

    I sure wish I was I could do something useful for all of you. All I can do is pray and cheer from Alberta that she keeps taking those baby steps.

    Thanks so much for your selfless updates and sharing your worry and your good news with us.

  7. its good the secretions have decreased and its now its the inflammation they have to deal with,now the doctors can plan theirnext steps in her care. keep strong and i am always here for any questions. Iam always thinking and praying for her.

  8. I'm thinking about your family constantly, and my family is certainly keeping you all in our prayers.

  9. Kate - I'm so sorry to hear about you mom. Just wanted to let you know you and your family will be in my prayers (and my families prayers). xo karla j.
